Wednesday, March 21, 2012

So it begins ... sort of.

So this is my first post of a blog whose goal is to inform the public about my life as a college student who is super interested in bioarchaeology. As I mentioned in my "Welcome" section (look to the left) - I am not a professional bioarchaeologist. Thus, please don't take this blog as a "how-to" guide on how to become a professional in the field of anthropology. (I still haven't figured that out yet. That's what college advisors and professors are for)

A little about me: I'm a history and anthropology junior at Michigan State University. I was originally just a history major with only a minor in anthropology, but last semester I was given the amazing opportunity to volunteer and help a graduate student in a bioarchaeology lab on campus. I was immediately hooked because it's literally physical evidence of history. I'm a total history nerd, and the fact that I was learning about the past through human remains was super intriguing, I decided to use my extra credits I needed for my degree to get a double major in history and anthropology. When I graduate I'm planning on going to graduate school for physical anthropology with a focus in bioarchaeology so that I can incorporate my history skills into the field.

This website is going to have a lot of different types of information about bioarchaeology, and archaeology in general. There will be pictures, stories about my day, my plans for the future, articles, what I'm learning in class, etc. If you have any questions or comments, please drop me a note! Thanks!

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